Discover Scuba Diving in Maui: A Complete Guide

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If you want to take a look at it to get a little info about typical questions and answers on Maui and Scuba Diving Maui. Take a look here…

Many people come to the island of Maui to scuba dive. But when we take them out for dives many of the divers were expecting different types of things. So, to clarify what is to be expected. Here is a little info about diving in Maui.

Water temperature:

I remember when I first came to Maui and jumped into the water. It felt warm, compared to the water off Calif that I was used to going in. Maui water temperatures vary between 74 in the winter and 81 degrees Fahrenheit in summer it is much more temperate than the 52-54 degree water I was used to.

Divers used to the warmer waters of the Bahamas, or Caribbean, come out to Maui and think it is much cooler than they expected. So if you want warmer water plan your trip in mid to late summer, around August – October. Most divers are comfortable in a 3 mm shorty wet suit but if you tend to get cold, wear a 4-5 mm wet suit.

Sea Life:

Maui has unique dive topography due to the lava formations. Endangered Hawaiian Green Sea turtles find these formations great to rest in as they wedge themselves into the nooks that were formed as the lava formed. Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles can be seen on almost every dive. They are very used to seeing people. More times than not, they will approach snorkelers and divers very close. It is the law that you must not touch the turtles, or impede their progress to the surface.

Do to the Hawaiian islands location, many fish out here are endemic to Hawaii. About 30 percent of Hawaii’s fish are endemic (only found here).

Monk Seals:

Which are extremely endangered with a population estimate of around 1,300 individuals. They seen to return to the same locations on Maui time after time. We see them in many of the caves that we dive. They find these caves a nice place to rest for hours and sometimes day’s. They do allow people to get close but this is not advised and also illegal.

Spotted Eagle Ray’s:

Can be seen on occasion and mostly between Sept through Feb. It is suspected that they are coming in close to the shores during their mating season.

Manta Ray’s:

Can be seen as well. There is a particular (cleaning station) location that they have be seen by divers having the cleaner fish picking at there dead skin, algae and growths. The Mantas will parade back and fourth as if going through a car wash.

Whale Sharks:

Do come by on occasion but are mostly seen off the deep waters of Molokini crater. Molokini, rising from depths of 300 feet, is an extinct caldera located approximately 2.5 miles off the south portion of Maui.

Tiger Sharks:

Although having made the news lately for Shark attacks. They are VERY rarely seen by divers. I have over 10,000 dives under my belt in Maui and have never encountered one.

White Tip Reef Sharks:

Are very common in the waters of Maui. These Sharks are very docile and will allow divers to get close but not too close before they swim off. They will circle around and swim back to the spot they were resting at in the sand. White Tips are one of the few sharks that can remain motionless and still be able to pass water through their gills.

Here is a video of Mala Wharf. This dive site is where the White Tips are found very frequently.

Mala Wharf / Mala Pier

In2Scuba Diving Maui Dive Co. Can take you to these locations and is a good resource to dive with.

I welcome your feedback anythying I can add to it.


In2Scuba Diving Maui Dive Co.